.. include:: ../defs.rst :mod:`eeprom` - EEPROM API -------------------------- .. module :: pyftdi.eeprom Quickstart ~~~~~~~~~~ Example: dump the EEPROM content .. code-block:: python # Instantiate an EEPROM manager eeprom = FtdiEeprom() # Select the FTDI device to access (the interface is mandatory but any # valid interface for the device fits) eeprom.open('ftdi://ftdi:2232h/1') # Show the EEPROM content eeprom.dump_config() # Show the raw EEPROM content from pyftdi.misc import hexdump print(hexdump(eeprom.data)) Example: update the serial number .. code-block:: python # Instantiate an EEPROM manager eeprom = FtdiEeprom() # Select the FTDI device to access eeprom.open('ftdi://ftdi:2232h/1') # Change the serial number eeprom.set_serial_number('123456') # Commit the change to the EEPROM eeprom.commit(dry_run=False) Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoclass :: FtdiEeprom :members: Exceptions ~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoexception :: FtdiEepromError Tests ~~~~~ .. code-block:: shell # optional: specify an alternative FTDI device export FTDI_DEVICE=ftdi://ftdi:2232h/1 PYTHONPATH=. python3 pyftdi/tests/eeprom.py